How to use money well   At one time Anathapindika was with the Buddha who taught him this: ‘There are four things that many people want, but that are hard to get in this world, and these are:   ‘He thinks: I want to get money following proper ways only. This is the first thing.   ‘Then if he gets money he thinks: I want my name and that of my family and teacher to become good and famous. This is the second thing.   Then if he gets money and a good name he thinks: I want to stay well off for a long time. This is the third thing. The when he has money, a good name and a long life, he thinks: I would like to be born again in a good place such as in heaven. This is the fourth thing that many people want but is hard to get. But Anathapindika, there are four things, if a person follows them, make these four things arise, and these are: proper belief and understanding, good behaviour, compassion, and deep understanding of reality.   And proper belief is: the person has belief that the Tathagata has true understanding and wisdom, that Buddha is an arahant, a teacher of gods and men, a person who has awoken to, and seen clearly things as they really are, a very wise man.   And good behaviour is: a person does not kill, steal, or is promiscuous, tell lies or take strong drink or drugs which make his thinking confused and unclear.   And compassion is: A person staying in his house does not think of holding onto things for himself, but is happy to give, is not worried about losing things, helps others and shares all his things. And a deep understanding of reality is: If a person has thoughts of greed getting things, hatred and anger, being lazy and not trying, worry and stress, is unsure and has baseless fears, he does not stay peacefully and happy as these disturb his thinking, and his good name and happiness cease. But when he is clear about the things that confuse and block good thinking, he lets them go completely. When he does this, he gets deep understanding, and he can see things as they really are, and he gets deep wisdom.   These four things help people get the four things they want, but that are hard to get in this world.   When money is got from hard work and strength, and following proper ways, a good person will use it for four things, and these are: He will look after his mother and father and ensure they are well looked after and happy. He makes sure his wife and children, and employees, are happy and well looked after. He makes his friends and relatives happy, and looks after them all well. This is the first thing. He will put some money away in case there is a future need, such as an emergency, or fire or thieves, or some jealous person tries to cause problems. This is the second thing. He will get some presents for his family, those who are staying with him, his relatives and leaders and those who give help to others. This is the third thing. He will give help to good students of the Path and also religious people who do good things and are not proud, and who behave well and quietly, and who try to achieve Nirvana. This is the fourth thing.   These are the four things a good person uses the money he has obtained through his hard work and strength, following proper and good ways. If a person puts his money into other things, we can say he is wasting his money. But if a person puts his money into these four things, we can say he is putting it into good things, and that it is not wasted and that he is doing good with his money.         (Be happy)


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